If you need personal loan you can go for easy and fast approval process and compare Interest Rates than Apply for loan of your personal need. You can compare loan rates process of loan term and conditions of loan and time of repayment from all the banks and financial institutions. Compare the banks for their eligibility requirement for Personal Loans. You can compare the as per your requirement, eligibility, affordable rates and paying capability for the various loans and the bank that serves your needs the best.
Personal Loan Requirements
If you required personal loan you must not be less than 18 years old
TIME your personal loan can be according your eligibility from 1/2 years to 10 years
You must to be salaried or self employed a professional or non-professional
According to your salary or income the bank decides your personal loan amount
Personal Loan starts from 30,000 to 15 lakhs
Maximum banks requires minimum 3 years in job or employment.
Personal Loan types
Personal Loans can be given if you have 6 month’s old card credit card
If you have a proof of repaying old loan for One year
If you have securities. Up to 80% of your securities personal loans can be given
Loan can be given against your insurance policy
If you are a salaried, Personal loan given according your salary
For self business loans needs income tax return proof
Personal loans eligibility for Salary personals/Self Employed
23 years to 65 years
Maximum age for loan repayment
57 years to 65 years
Minimum service time
3 years
Minimum 3000-10000 (Different for Banks)
Minimum employment time (Self Employed)
3-5 years
Income (Self Employed)
50000-120000 (Different for Banks)
Personal Loan Uses
Personal Loans can be used to purchase the anything required at home like consumer durables, Personal Loan given for home appliances, personal computers and softwares, coaching requirements, books and study expenses And Loan can be used in need during marriages, and other occasion in your family Personal Loans also given for tour and travel expenses
Personal Loan Repayment
Repayment of your personal loan can be paid as per your wish and options available by the bank. loan can be paid either post dated cheque/ ECS or EMI can be deducted directly from institution/Dept./Organization monthly salary.
Compare Personal loan
You must compare personal loans in terms of interest and offer given by the bank and compare the banks terms and conditions. Hidden charges are also a factor for compare of your personal loan. Compare your personal loan
EMI Calculator for personal loan
Calculate your EMI for personal loan with interest rate and period of loan.. Calculate EMI Amount
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